Porque tolerância e compreensão tem dois lados

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Joelma e Daniela: liberdade, libertinagem, tolerância e fé
Só faltou apedrejarem Joelma, cantora da banda Calypso. Ela declarou que é contra o casamento gay e que não queria ter um filho gay. Só faltou beatificarem Daniela Mercury. Assumiu seu casamento com u…

Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

Seria um bom passo para diminuir o machismo típico dos quadrinhos

E, por tabela, ser mais verossímel. 

Reshared post from +Cam Banks

These are some great costume designs for lady heroes whose costumes are otherwise pretty skimpy. http://www.geeknative.com/38733/drawing-the-impossible-fully-dressed-superheroines/

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Drawing the impossible? Fully dressed Superheroines
Artist Michael Lee Lunsford stresses that the goal of his redesign project is not to push some sort of moral code on to you. He says it’s an exercise in ch

Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.